When: Friday, September 22, 2–4 PM
Where: VUT Indie House, sanktpaulibar (Spielbudenpl. 29), Hamburg
No Reeperbahn Festival ticket needed.
After the welcoming speech of Jana Schiedek, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Guro Kleveland, Chairwoman of Balansekunst/Art of Balance (Norway), will introduce her initiative and talk about gender equality in the Norwegian music industry. What has Balansekunst accomplished and what are the next steps? What can we in Germany learn from Balansekunst?
The networking part of our get-together will be a bit different this year: We want to divide the participants of the get-together into small groups of approx. five people. Each group will have a moderator and a specific topic to discuss. The moderators will propose topics related to gender equality, diversity and the music industry. Of course, the participants can choose the group they want to join.
We´re looking forward to a discussion with everyone who is interested in the topic of diversity.
Topics for the networking part:
We Make Waves: Writing A New Rulebook for the Music Industry
With Mirca Lotz and Melissa Perales, We Make Waves
We Make Waves is a new showcase festival and conference for and by female and nonbinary artists, regardless of their origin and background. It will take place for the first time in Berlin in November. It is organised by Melissa Perales, Caoimhe McAlister and Mirca Lotz. In this event they will continue to work together with the participants to design no less than a new »Rulebook for the Music Industry« to help ensure more justice, access, diversity, and empowerment in the field. Previous experiences and strategies will be exchanged and discussed. The question for the discussion at Reeperbahn will be: "What has to change to achieve gender equality in the music industry and what strategies can we use to achieve them?“
Praktische Strategien zur Selbstbemächtigung und zur Abwehr von Sexismus in der Musikbranche
Mit Vivien Mierzkalla, Labelmanagerin, Secretly Group
Wir wollen praktische Maßnahmen zur Selbstbemächtigung besprechen und uns darüber austauschen, was sowohl fachlich als auch emotional dabei hilft, erfolgreich mit schwierigen Situationen umzugehen und sich beruflich zu etablieren. Außerdem wollen wir über Sexismus sprechen und wie Ihr damit umgeht bzw. welche Strategien Ihr entwickelt habt.
The Language Gap
With Guro Kleveland, Chairwoman, Balansekunst
Over the last few decades, music journalism has been professionalised. It is no longer enough simply to attach artist portraits, album reviews, concert reviews, or other reviews of artists to stereotypical clichés on skin colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. The good music journalism of today is about music, and demands knowledge. Yet, female and male artists are still treated differently in the media.
Strategies for Career Growth and Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Today and Tomorrow
With Lisa Hresko, Associate Member Relations Manager, A2IM
Getting more women into executive positions within the industry takes radical change from inside. We'll identify why women's careers in the music industry are halted, discuss ways to prevent this, and foster the next generation of women in music. This includes but is not limited to mentorships, skill-building, combating daily sexism, grooming women for leadership positions, and ensuring that women's voices are heard. And no more "manels": we're getting mics into women's hands.
Better the devil you know
With Ineke Daans, Live Strategy Manager & Head of [PIAS] Nites, [PIAS]
Who or what are the biggest challenges you will come across as a woman working in the music industry: your boss (male or female), your male colleagues, your female colleagues, your family and friends or...yourself?
I think it’s very important to define and analyse the possible challenges you will meet on the way, acknowledge them and understand the difference between them before we can work on suitable and possible solutions.
Megan Himel, Co-Founder, ProjectNextUp
Speaker: Jana Schiedek, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg