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In solidarity with resisting bodies

  • Sentralen 3 Øvre Slottsgate Oslo, Oslo, 0157 Norway (kart)

Våre kropper plasseres i ulike bokser og stigmatiseres etter samfunnets konstruerte standarder for kjønn, farge, seksualitet og funksjonsevne. Men hva skjer når vi med våre marginaliserte kropper viser motstandskraft?

Under Oslo World Conference: Live & Digital 26. oktober inviterer Oslo World og Balansekunst til samtalen «In solidarity with resisting bodies» kl. 14.00.

Nadine Ouedraogo Constant fra Nasjonalmuseet og Thomas Talawa Prestø fra Tabanka Dance Ensemble møter redaktør og aktivist OluTimehin Adegbeye fra Nigeria for å diskutere og dele sine strategier for kroppslig aktivisme gjennom kunst og kultur.

Oslo World Conference: Live & Digital

Every year Oslo World invites delegates and speakers from all over the world to the festival. Since this way of creating a meeting place is not a possibility at the time, we have created a platform that is accessible from every corner of the world. In collaboration with Sentralen and Estraad, we have developed a digital platform that will allow the audience to pick their own avatar and immerse in 3D and 2D ecosystems, to have a new experience of the festival. In this digital space, participants from all over the world, will be able to explore the festival’s program, as well as new ways of interacting across the globe.

Making such a platform was a necessity for the seminar part of Oslo World this year. When travel is made possible again, it will hopefully be a useful addition, allowing more people than before to participate in our program. Events in the digital space include the Oslo World Conference, concerts from Oslo and abroad, speed meetings between delegates, as well as workshops with participants from various countries.

The two day conference in collaboration with Freemuse, will consist of talks and other events, centered around solidarity, activism and resistance. Activists, politicians, researchers, artists and cultural arrangers from all over the world will gather digitally to exchange perspectives and tools to deal with situations where artistic freedom is being challenged.

With artistic performances by:
Selma & Ibou
Unge Beirut
Elza Soares & Renegado
Rincon Sapiência
Tássia Reis
MC Caroline Santos
Trap Funk & Alivio

Las Tesis, Fatoumata Diawara, Guerrilla Girls, Emel, Hilde Klemetsdal, Trude Schelderup Iversen, Khaled Barakeh, James Finucane, Ferhat Tunc, Jan Lothe Eriksen, Paige Collings, Nadine Ouedraogo Constant, OluTimehin Adegbeye, Thomas Talawa Prestø, Shahidul Alam, Ahmed Umar, - Kajsa Ravin, Helge Lunde, Srirak Plipat, Moddi, Pierre Terdjman, Deize Tigrona, Doralyce, Juweria Hassan, Priyangika Samanthie.

25. oktober

Booking i balanse

28. oktober

Utopian Manifesto 2.0